Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa

Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa

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مشخصات مانگا Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa


لایت ناول

تعداد جلد

2 جلد

تعداد فصل


وضعیت انتشار

اتمام انتشار

تاریخ انتشار

از 1364/3/10 تا 1365/5/9

شخصیت ها


A girl, Sheeta, falls from the skies, slowed by the power of a mysterious, glowing necklace. In a mining town sheltered among the mountains, Pazu, an engineer's apprentice with big dreams, catches her. As it happens they both want to find Laputa, the legendary flying castle in the sky.

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