Yoshihime to Ushio

Yoshihime to Ushio

مانگا های مشابه

مشخصات مانگا Yoshihime to Ushio


وان شات

تعداد جلد


تعداد فصل

1 فصل

وضعیت انتشار

اتمام انتشار

تاریخ انتشار

از 1393/3/15

ژانر مانگا

درام عاشقانه

شخصیت ها


In the inter land of Kitagawa, a young man meets a young woman who will become a princess. Can she change the way he sees himself and help him forgive himself for his past? The story centers around a princess and a warrior during the Sengoku warring states period in Japan. (Source: Summer-Rain, alldempretties)

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