Sword Gai The Animation
Susume! Dokan-kun
Sukoyaka Oyako 21 x Taka no Tsume-dan
Sugio: Mori de Koi wo Shite
Sugai-kun to Kazoku Ishi The Movie
Sugai-kun to Kazoku Ishi
Sore Ike! Sabuibo Mask
Sono Toki, Shimakou ga Ugoita!
Shuukan Shimakou
Shiodome Cable TV
Sekai no Owari ni Shiba Inu to
Sanzoku Diary
Ryuuzou to Shichinin no Kobun-tachi x Frogman
Ryuu ga Gotoku Online x Taka no Tsume
REACH x Thermae Romae: Pietrada no Kekkon
Q Transformers: Saranaru Ninki Mono e no Michi
Q Transformers: Kaette Kita Convoy no Nazo
Puttobe! Poodel
Pittarazu Gekijou Manner CM
Pikotarou no Lullaby Lullaby (TV)
Pikotarou no Lullaby Lullaby
Pichiko Dakyuubu USA-hen